Popular Docker commands

Popular Docker commands

For Docker version

docker version

To search for a Docker image, Ubuntu, for instance, issue the following command:

docker search ubuntu

docker run

docker run nginx

Show running containers

docker ps

Show all containers

docker ps -a

Once the container ID has been obtained, you can start the container again with the command that was used to create it, by issuing the following command:

docker start 923a720da57f

Stop the containers

docker stop nginx

To stop a running container from the host session issue the following command:

docker kill 923a720da57f

Remove the container

docker rm nginx

Show images

docker images

Remove the images

docker rmi nginx

Download the image

docker pull nginx

Append a command

docker run nginx sleep 5

Execute a commannd on a running container

docker exec nginx cat /etc/hosts

Detach command or running the container background

docker run -d nginx

Attach a container

docker attach 8ce18649156e

shell login in running container

docker run -it centos bash

Docker compose file to container

docker-compose up -d

Stop containers which are up by compose file

docker compose down
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5000:80 --link redis:redis voting-app

docker port mapping

docker run -p 80:5000 kodekloud/webapp

Remember !!!

extranal port : internal port. You can't map same port on docker host more than once

Default data file store on


Volume mapping for a container

docker run -v /opt/datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql

Remember !!!

extranal vol : internal vol

Inspect a container

docker inspect 8ce18649156e

Container log

docker logs 8ce18649156e

Build an image from dockerfile

docker build . --file /home/nazmul/github/docker-learning/create_own_images/docker --tag test_flask

Push images on Docker hub

docker tag test-node1 nazmulalam/test-node1
docker push nazmulalam/test-node1

Run with env variable

docker run -e APP_COLOR=blue flask-env

Remember !!!

ENTRYPOINT is a task, when the container is running

Docker engine build by

    -   Docker CLI
    -   Rest API
    -   Docker Deamon

Running a container with custom CPU and RAM

docker run --cpu=0.5 ubuntu
docker run --memory=100m ubuntu

Docker default file system

    -   /var/lib/docker
        -   aufs
        -   containers
        -   images
        -   volumes

Remember !!!

Docker images layer is immutable and Docker containers layer is mutable

Create a volume

docker volume create data_volume

Docker volume mount

docker run -v data_volume:/var/lib/mysql mysql
docker run -v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql mysql
docker run --mount type=bind, source=/data/mysql, target=/var/lib/mysql mysql

Docker default network

  • Bridge docker run ubuntu
  • None docker run ubuntu --network=none
  • Host docker run ubuntu --network=host

Create docker network

docker network create --driver bridge --subnet coustom-isolated

Inspect docker network

docker inspect coustom-isolated

Deploy multiple replica containers with an image

docker service create --replicas=3 nginx

Build or rebuild services

docker compose build

Parse, resolve and render compose file in canonical format

docker compose config

Copy files/folders between a service container and the local filesystem

docker compose cp

Creates containers for a service.

docker compose create

Stop and remove containers, networks

docker compose down

Receive real time events from containers.

docker compose events

Execute a command in a running container.

docker compose exec

List images used by the created containers

docker compose images

Force stop service containers.

docker compose kill

View output from containers

docker compose logs

List running compose projects

docker compose ls

Pause services

docker compose pause

List containers

docker compose ps

Print the public port for a port binding.

docker compose port

Pull service images

docker compose pull

Push service images

docker compose push

Restart service containers

docker compose restart

Removes stopped service containers

docker compose rm

Run a one-off command on a service.

docker compose run

Start services

docker compose start

Stop services

docker compose stop

Display the running processes

docker compose top

Unpause services

docker compose unpause

Create and start containers

docker compose up

Show the Docker Compose version information

docker compose version